Festival d'histoire de la cuisine
History of Food Festival


Samedi, 31 août

Saturday, August 31,



Voici John Mackley de la Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury à Bury Québec. Vous êtes chaleureusement invités à venir célébrer l'Histoire de la gastronomie des Cantons-de-l'Est le samedi après-midi 31 août.

C'est un festival célébrant 150 ans de cuisine dans notre région, jusqu'en 1950. Il y aura des conférenciers et des dégustations de nourriture intéressants, des stands de nourriture, des expositions sur l'histoire de la nourriture et des plantes sauvages comestibles, et de la musique ancienne.

La Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury vous propose toutes ces activités et plus encore le samedi 31 août, de midi à 18 h, au Centre communautaire manège militaire commet au parc adjacent de Bury. L'entrée est de 10 $, les enfants entrent gratuitement. Pour plus d'informations, visitez la Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury sur Facebook ou contactez John Mackley au 819-578-2301.


This is John Mackley of the Bury Historical and Heritage Society in Bury Quebec. You are warmly invited to come celebrate the History of Food in the Eastern Townships on Saturday afternoon, August 31st.

It's a Festival celebrating 150 years of cooking in our region, up until 1950. There will be interesting speakers and food tasting, food booths, displays about the history of food and edible wild plants, and old-time music.

The Bury Historical and Heritage Society offers you all these activities and more on Saturday, August 31, from noon to 6 p.m., at the Armoury Community Centre and the adjacent park in Bury. Admission is $10, children get in free. For more information, visit the Bury Historical and Heritage Society on Facebook, or contact John Mackley at 819-578-2301. That's 819-578-2301. You are listening to CBC Radio One at 91.7 FM in Bury.




Festival de l'histoire de la cuisine en Estrie

Le 24 août 2019, Bury. De Banique à Boxty, en passant par la truite fumée et le pouding aux bleuets. C’est une partie de ce que mangeaient nos ancêtres dans l'Estrie et une partie de ce qui sera présenté lors d’un festival organisé ce samedi 31 août par la Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury.

Le Festival de l'histoire de la cuisine en Estrie célébrera 150 ans de cuisine dans notre région jusqu'en 1950. Des activités variées sont prévues, comprenant des stands de nourriture, des conférenciers, des dégustations, des expositions historiques et des musiciens. Le festival est de midi à 18 heures au Centre communautaire Armoury, au 563, rue Main, et au parc adjacent à Bury.

Les six conférenciers sont l’honorable Marie-Claude Bibeau, ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire; Gilles Denis, propriétaire d’IGA-Cookshire; un représentant de La brasserie les 11 comtés; M. Yvon Audet, producteur de céréales, Madame Sylviane Bégin, productrice d’ail; Gilles Gaulin a parlé de la production familiale de sirop d'érable, et la présidente de la Société, Praxède Levesque Lapointe. Les conférenciers décriront divers aliments traditionnels, puis en offriront en dégustation aux participants. Par exemple, la truite fumée. Dinde sauvage. Bannock. Maïs en épis de style autochtone. Boxty irlandais. Grands-pères au sirop d'érable. Hodgepodge anglais. Et plus.

Tout au long de l'après-midi, les musiciens Janice LaDuke & Dave Gillies et France Thibault & Laurent Hubert proposeront une musique à l'ancienne dans le belvédère du parc.

Dans le parc et dans le manège militaire se tiendront des kiosques de producteurs locaux où des visiteurs pourront acheter des viandes, des légumes, des pains et des boissons, ou les déguster. Des expositions seront également présentés sur différents aliments du passé, des plantes sauvages comestibles et des outils de cuisine et de jardinage historiques du Musée Eaton Corner et de la Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury.

Les visiteurs sont invités à apporter de vieux ustensiles et instruments de cuisine et à voir si John Mackley, archiviste de la Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury, peut identifier ce qu’ils sont, à quoi ils ont servi et comment.

Un nouveau petit Livret de recettes bilingue contenant 11 recettes locales anciennes, rédigé par la Société d'histoire et du patrimoine de Bury, sera également disponible, ainsi que des prix de présence sous forme de certificats-cadeaux du Restaurant du Golf Pen-Y-Bryn.

« L'idée d'organiser un festival de l'histoire de la cuisine nous est venue lorsque nous pensions à comment la cuisine évolue vite aujourd'hui, et comment faire connaître aux plus jeunes ce que c'était quand leurs grands-parents avaient leur âge, » dit Mme Lapointe. « De plus, il serait réconfortant pour les plus âgées de se remémorer cette époque. Il y a plusieurs mets qui ont traversé le temps, qui sont encore aujourd'hui très populaires dans plusieurs foyers. »

Les partenaires qui soutiendront le festival sont la Fondation des Townshippers, le Réseau du patrimoine anglophone du Québec, le Musée Eaton Corner, IGA-Cookshire, le bureau de la ministre Bibeau, la Ville de Bury et l'Image de Bury.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez la page Facebook de la Bury Historical and Heritage Society, ou contactez John Mackley au 819-578-2301 ou par courriel à


Festival: History of Food in the Townships

August 24, 2019, Bury. From Bannock to Boxty, by way of smoked trout and blueberry pudding. That's some of what our forebears in the Townships were eating, and some of what will be featured at a festival this Saturday organized by the Bury Historical and Heritage Society.

The History of Food Festival will celebrate 150 years of cooking in our region, up until 1950. Varied activities are planned, include food booths, speakers, food tasting, historical displays, and musicians. The Festival is from noon to 6 p.m. at the Armoury Community Centre, 563 Main Street, and the adjacent park in Bury.

The six speakers are The Honorable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister; IGA-Cookshire owner Gilles Denis; a representative of La brasserie les 11 comtés; Yvon Audet, cereals producer; Sylvaine Bégin, garlic producer; Gilles Gaulin spoke about family style maple syrup production and the Society's president, Praxède Levesque Lapointe. Speakers will describe various traditional foods, and then offer tastes of them to participants. For example, smoked trout. Wild turkey. Bannock. Aboriginal-style Corn on the Cob. Irish Boxty. Grands-pères in Maple Syrup. English Hodgepodge. And more.

Throughout the afternoon, musicians Janice LaDuke & Dave Gillies and France Thibault & Laurent Hubert will be offering old-fashioned music in the park's gazebo.

In the park and in the Armoury will be booths of various local food producers where visitors may either purchase meats, vegetables, breads and drinks, or sample them. On view will be displays about different foods from the past, edible wild plants, and historical displays of cooking and gardening implements from the Eaton Corner Museum and the Bury Historical and Heritage Society.

Visitors are invited to bring old cooking utensils and implements and see if John Mackley, archivist for the Bury Historical and Heritage Society, can identify what they are, what they were used for and how.

A new little bilingual Cookbooklet containing 11 old-timey local recipes, compiled by the Bury Historical and Heritage society, will also be available, as well as door prizes in the form of gift certificates from the Restaurant du Golf Pen-Y-Bryn.

"The idea of having a festival about the history of food came to us when we were thinking about how food is changing fast today, and how to help young people know what it was like when their grandparents were their age," said Lapointe. "Also, it could be comforting for older people to remember back. There are several dishes that have stayed with us over time, which are still very popular in many homes today."

Supporting partners for the festival are the Townshippers' Foundation, Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network, the Eaton Corner Museum, IGA-Cookshire, the office of Minister Bibeau, the Town of Bury, and the Bury's Image.

For more information, visit the Bury Historical and Heritage Society's Facebook page, or contact John Mackley at 819-578-2301 or by email at



Praxède Lévesque Lapointe, Présidente

Sharon Moore (Vice-Prés. Musée Eaton Corner Museum) & Royce Rand


Ed Pedersen (Secretaire) & Gille Denis, IGA Cookshire

Présentation sur l'industrie alimentaire nord-américaine

Presentation on the North American food industry



Un livre de cuisine historique a été réalisé pour l'occasion et est toujours disponible en échange d'un don à la société.

A cookbook of historic recipes was produced for the occasion and is still available in exchange for a donation to the society.








A Rapport du festival sur l'histoire de la cuisine dans les Cantons-de-l'Est

History of Food and Cooking in the Eastern Townships Festival Report

John Mackley

SHPB / BHHS Archivist

Organisateur principal / Principal Organizer

On Saturday the 31st of August, 2019 The Bury Historical and Heritage Society under the direction of the “Festival / Conference Organizing Committee”, consisting of the following members of the SHPB / BHHS Board of Directors, planned and produced the “History of Food and Cuisine in the Eastern Townships Festival”.

- Praxède Levesque Lapointe ; Président de la société / Society President.

- Edward Pedersen ; Secrétaire / Secretary

- Céline Martineau ; Trésorière / Treasurer

- John Mackley ; Archiviste / Archivist

The festival began just after noon (local time) with a welcome and introduction by Praxède Levesque Lapointe, Maîtresse de cérémonie, who greeted the attendees and explained the process by which the conference portion of the festival would proceed.

Praxède described the concept of three “Culinary Revolutions” beginning before the arrival of European immigrants to this region of the world. The Aboriginal hunting and fishing tradition of self-nourishment was demonstrated with the serving of smoked trout and wild turkey.

The bulk of the festival conference consisted of a progression through 150 years of history and the arrival of a multitude of overseas cultures and the traditional foods and cooking methods that they naturally brought with them. The Scots, the French, the Irish, English, Americans and many others brought together many new and varied tastes and methods.

Invited speaker included Yvon Audet, Sylviane Bégin, Gille Denis, Rémi Robert and Gille Gaulin and The Canadian Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food, Madame Marie-Claude Bibeau, who spoke about Canada’s new food policy.

Musicians Janice LaDuke with Dave Gillies, France Thibault and Laurent Hubert played “olde-timey music outside as visitors inspected antique tractors and old farm equipment on display brought by Dallas Campbell and Bury Mayor Walter Dougherty.

Participants and presenters inside included the Eaton-Corner Museum with Sharon Moore and Royce Rand displaying an old style kitchen and dining room. A series of display panels told the history of various food production in Quebec and another described a selection of edible wild plants as well as some not so safe to eat.

Joel Barter shared his talents for home made wine, preserves and baked goods. Christian Chartier of Les Jardins Paromel. Seeds of Diversity with Brian Creelman, maple products by Virgin Made of Bury, farm produce and preserves by Mysie Paul and micro-brewed beer from 11 comtés of Cookshire rounded out the sampling experience.

Mme Awa Ba, a Community organizer from Senegal, in western Africa was in attendance to experience and share knowledge with Canadian organic gardeners and farmers. A brief meeting was arranged between her and Mme Bibeau who delighted in the opportunity.

A 24 page Recipe Booklet, featuring all the foods discussed in the conference was produced, printed and available for sale to festival visitors.

Numerous supporters and dozens of volunteers made the day possible and a resounding success. Doris Bolduc headed a team of eight kitchen staff and servers to the delight of the eager food samplers.

Supporters and Sponsors:

- The Municipality of Bury - Bury’s IMAGE de Bury

- Eaton Corner Museum - Townshippers Foundation

- IGA Cookshire - QAHN Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network

- Government of Canada Office of the Hon. Mme Marie-Claude Bibeau


Musiciens participants:

Participating musicians:


Janice LaDuke & Dave Gilles

France Thibault & Laurent Hubert


Appelé le "Fairway Tractor" pour son utilisation en
tirant les tondeuses dans les premiers jours du
terrain de golf Pen-Y-Bryn à Bury.

Called the "Fairway Tractor" for its use pulling the mowers
in the early days of the Pen-Y-Bryn Golf Course in Bury.


Notre personnel de cuisine irremplaçable.

Our irreplaceable kitchen staff.




Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau

Députée Compton-Stanstead M.P.
Ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food


Parler avec un entrepreneur local.

Talking with a local entrepreneur.



Mme Bibeau rencontre Awa Ba, un agent de développement communautaire du Sénégal au Canada pour échanger son expertise avec les Canadiens sur l'agriculture biologique et
les pratiques de jardinage.
Mme Bibeau meeting with Awa Ba, a community developement agent from Senegal in Canada to exchange expertise with Canadians on Organic farming and
gardening practices.


Plantes sauvages. Certains comestibles, d'autres moins!
Wild plants. Some edible, others less so!




Walter Dougherty, maire de Bury
Walter Dougherty, Mayor of Bury




La patrimoine de BURY Heritage

Centre Canterbury Centre


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